

 by Victor M Adamus

The so called “Super Committee” ended up being not so Super when they allowed the deadline to pass this past week, kicking in an across the board measure which will affect all Americans except the Super rich.  Cuts in Social Security, Education, Defense, Medicare and Veterans Benefits are all on the automatic chopping block now, thanks to Lobbyist Grover Norquist, the country’s Lex Luther.

Norquist had the Republicans sign the Americans for Tax Reform pledge which placed it above their Congressional loyalty oath taken by elected officials to represent the nation’s electorate.  It Supercedes the Constitution because the pledge says signers pledge never to raise taxes.  So now that we know the Congress is controlled by one Lex Luther, who is targeting the middle class and poor, it's no wonder there is an uprising of Americans trying to put the true spirit of fairness back into the melting pot of our American family. 

 Any member of Congress who signed that piece of crap pledge, in my opinion, should be tried for Treason and then hung.  Norquist said, “We haven’t had a Republican vote for tax increases since 1990”.  Well Helllloooo.  Wouldn’t you think not voting for a tax increase on the Super rich who are NOT paying their fair share but reaping billions of dollars in profits is a reason we’re in this mess in the first place?  And he graduated from Harvard, no kidding?

Going into war, Mr Norquist, is raising taxes.  Who the hell is paying for Iraq and Afghanistan?  Norquist believes the little people should carry water for the rich.  

But on the brighter side of things, I think he just got Barrack Obama re-elected and I also think the time has come to throw out all the Republicans who signed that illegal pledge which has killed any hope for stabilizing our economy. 


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terry said...

The OWS movement is addressing that, though not outright. The message to Amerikans is that we are fed up and judging by the "hornage" at our Occupy Melbourne sign waves, there are a lot of people out there who are now getting it

Alex said...

As a novice political analyst, I could have told you this would happen. If neither party compromises then neither party violates party trust and an automatic cut takes place about which each party can blame the other party for causing that to happen since they would not compromise. It was a perfect and logical solution especially since the voting population of America will never come together as a political power and vote these idiots out of office.


Congressional members took an oath of office to uphold the constitution, which includes the power to tax. So by taking another oath saying they will never approve tax increases, to me violates their congressional oath. That seems to me to be a criminal offense. Maybe enough grounds to toss them all out!