

Dream On
By Victor M Adamus

I’m as happy as anyone the war in Iraq for our U.S. military is over.  I keep wondering what the defense department has planned for 170,000 troops.  We already know 25% of them are seeking employment having left the battlefield and traded their gear for a three piece suit.  I wonder how the Veterans Administration, already burdened with veterans from previous wars, is going to absorb the worn, torn heroes coming home, relying on their country caring for them.  Will the Defense Budget drop? Or move the numbers over to the VA?  And since Drones are the most modern machine in today’s defense arsenals, will the expensive F-22’s, never used in the past two wars, be sent to the graveyard like the specially designed heavy armored vehicles?

This is not a good situation.  The Marine Corps, for example is a highly trained sea-mobile infantry force.  What will happen to them?  And will the U.S. Congress be able to justify a specialty trained unit for the numbers in the U.S. Army that can now do the same job in peace time.  Peace time has a chance of lasting because of the mobile drone bases that can be located almost anywhere in the States.

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I’m also wondering about the future of Iraq.  It was the new government that gave George Bush a deadline to leave.  Kicking us out, thanks,but no thanks.  Now that we’ve met that deadline, what happens to the region that as you see on the map is landlocked in the north with neighboring countries just anxious to grab some real estate.  Then there’s Iran.  Already Iranians are driving cabs and serving drinks in the cities of Bagdad and Mosul.  How long before their nephews, cousins, and mom and pop show up for jobs?

I think the Republicans will love making fun of what happens to Iraq in future days, months.  But they will never tell you that after this month, any troops staying in Iraq will come under Iraqi Law.  That was a huge reason for us to meet that deadline agreed to with the “Chimp” way back when. But do you think the Republicans will remember that?  Naw, it’s an election year.  And we already know there is no end to war in Iraq.  I just wish someone would explain to me what will happen to our Armies of the United States.

1 comment:

terry said...

Oh thats an easy one to answer. WE will just go start another war. We are amassing troops on the Iranian border, or so I've read, we have boots on the ground in Uganda. So many countries, so little time for nation building. The troops not lucky enough to stay in the service, will of course be discounted, as they always are. No federal aid, no help with job searches, no VA, no homes!