As a boy, I would want to get up into my father’s lap and sit proudly with the ruler of the family; and, humorously now recall him always saying as I stepped up into his lap, “watch out for the family jewels;” and today, more than ever understand what he meant by that comment hence the title.
Whether it is an attitude, a behavior, or family heritage, or value, males have always pranced around like show horses while wanting to protect their “nuts” like squirrels. My mother referred to this activity as, “saving for a rainy day.”
But for whatever reason(s), we as a collective group, no longer possess the instincts of squirrels to want to do that; while at the same time, those of us who made an attempt to honor this tradition did so at the expense of realizing that predators of various shapes and sizes broke into our caches and literally stole most of our “nuts.” And, while I personally find this not acceptable, I am just as powerless as the squirrels no matter how big or small my “nuts” were or are.
We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing our “nuts” to be stolen but apparently we are not as PACS report millions of “nuts” are being donated to the cause so that future robber barons can steal more squirrel “nuts.”
IDK, we oldsters were not asleep at the wheel, we spent our entire working lives saving our "nuts" Then the shit hit the fan. Instead of brazil nuts, we are left with peanuts. Nothing we could have done would have prepared us for this, because we thought we were "preparing"
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