
A Loser Mentality

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“Cautious optimism,” is how the mainstream media refers to our slow growing economy; but when it comes to “stars” or “politicians” who have fallen to the ground, these reporters are not nice at all, acting like predators that treat their prey as “losers,” especially if they are of a republican persuasion.  At one point-in-time and while these people were never really admired, they were still respected and at least treated with a modicum of “common courtesy.” 

Mainstream media have become modern-day gladiators who laugh with “piggish glee” when they finally get a chance to humiliate someone on national television, even though onslaughts are not always face-to-face.

I suppose that mainstream media’s marketing consultants have encouraged this type of behavior indicating, no doubt, that Americans applaud this “thumbs-down” approach, but, it just does not seem very neighborly to me.  And, I suppose that I should tighten up my skin but I cannot afford the “tucks” nor do I believe it is the right approach to take – this 3rd grade playground attitude or loser mentality.

from the movie, The Gladiator
This morning on The Early Show on CBS, Newt Gingrich was verbally attacked by one of the hosts because of how he phrased a comment, even though his overall concept made sense.  In fact, one political satirist, who was brought on the show, next, indicated that Newt put his foot in his mouth up to his thigh.  Be that as it may be, why attack?  And, why attack once the person has fallen off the wall?

East Tennesseans have a great expression for this type of loser mentality: ”the sun don’t shine on the same dog’s butt every day.”

1 comment:

terry said...

I keep wondering how the media morphed into what it is today. If it isnt sensational, they make it so. Given google and FB now filter our news, based on our perceived preferences, I'm just waiting for the cable people to show up and install a TV monitor in everyroom which will of course broadcast only the propaganda which they feel I prefer to hear and see.