
Beyond 2012


What does the future hold, not just for selfish Americans but for the rest of the world – our global brothers and sisters that we do not seem to give a rat’s rear end about?   
Comfortably I sit on the couch in my living room dressed in PJ’s with feet (like the Progesso commercial) pondering and wondering about the various answers to the question:  What lies ahead?  Of course, when asking myself this question, I look beyond the house on the hill in which everyone wants to live and focus on mankind, regardless of where they live.

Will we have enough food?
Will we have enough water?
Will we have enough clothes?
Will we have enough healthcare?

How will our lives become controlled with and by technology?
How less will we have learned to think?
How much will we have destroyed the environment? 

What will be the body count from the countless, mindless wars we have continued to fight?
What will be the debts that our governments will owe each other?
What will be the terms by which we have all surrendered our souls?

When did we take the time to read books authored by writers from foreign countries?
When did we take the time to be profoundly or sensuously moved by foreign poets?
When did we take the time to be awed by foreign painters and sculptors?
When did we take the time to genuinely spend time with the people of a foreign land?

From the International Art Fair
For most of us, the world over, we live in our own little coffin, a prison of sorts that limits our perceptions, but in which we feel comfortable and secure as we sit in our mortgaged living rooms pointing our hand at the television like a gun when someone who we do not understand appears on the scene. 
And, before long, we smile proudly, when we see us imitated by our children helping to solidify their perceptions before the age of 5. 
What are we teaching our young, I would ask my global parents that may reflect our prejudices, biases, hatreds, fears, concerns, apprehensions, and paradigms. 

How sad we have all become and will become beyond 2012.

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