

So Does a Good Diet
By Victor M Adamus

I guess you can say “nothing surprises me” but an article in a UK Journal did just that.  It claimed that tests of cancer patients with tumors were given cigarettes to smoke and the reduction of their lung tumors was significant.  Tobacco has formaldehyde in it, a main cause of cancer, so says the experts of Western medicine.  The Journal article showed that victims with tumors who had a history of smoking or none at all, both groups saw a reduction in tumor size over a six month study.  Smoking for existing cancer victims with spots on their lungs, liver or other organs also showed a reduction in cancer cells progressing.  It doesn’t cure cancer but it slows it down without the harmful effects of Chemo therapy.

In Indonesia, where half the populations smokes, a device which blows toxic tobacco chemicals into the patients’ lungs is a lead remedy for all types of cancers. 

If someone is suffering from emphysema or lung cancer after decades of smoking, the last thing you want to give them is a cigarette, right? Well, in Indonesia, smoking is openly touted as a cancer cure, Agence-France Presse reported.

These remarkable studies would never be tested here in the U.S.  Most people, who have cancer, when searching for an alternative cure, stop smoking and change their diet.

The old saying goes "you are what you eat" and it has been widely speculated that our modern diet has contributed directly to the rise in cancer cases in recent years. It further goes to reason that by correcting the diet, we can reverse the damaging effects of unhealthy eating habits.

The enemy is fats, salt and refined sugars. Today's processed foods contain high levels of each. The solution is to completely eliminate all unhealthy foods from your diet in favor of natural raw foods.

Why are fruits and vegetables essential? Recent research has discovered phytochemicals in many fruits and vegetables. These chemicals, also known as phytonutrients are believed to not only prevent cancerous growths but to also be able to reverse existing cases of cancer.

One would think that if a person has cancer, now is the time to get that daily dose of formaldehyde and dramatically change one’s diet.  Of course this promotes more study by individuals with cancer.  The choice to take a worst poison than tobacco, Chemo cocktails as they are called, is inviting if it works.  But in all the stories I’ve read these changes in diet combined with smoking only extend life another year at most.  None can state medically or scientifically it is a cancer cure.  In some cancers the Chemo Therapies can extend life five years or more.  And there are discoveries every year for specific cancers that are being introduced to the cancer society, those victims of this vicious disease.

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