

Total Chaos in the Land
By Victor M Adamus

I know the Supreme Court has wrapped up their oral arguments this week and they have 150 position papers, pro and con, to read over the next month.  But with everything on the table, what if they vote the Affordable Care Act down?

Well, kids under 26 will no longer be eligible for coverage under the Act because it will have been voted unconstitutional.  2.5 million lose their insurance coverage right off the bat.

Medicare costs would return to the old rate costing the taxpayers even more money because rates under the old rules would have to be re-calculated to collect what’s owed, making the system a monster for budget workers and those on Medicare.  Over 100 million claims are processed each month.  This would be some clock to unwind.

What about those who took early retirement because they relied on the Act to cover them while waiting out the age to 65 when they would then be eligible for Medicare?  They would lose coverage provided by the Act and if they already left their job would have to find a plan to cover them at great expense because of their age and any pre-existing condition.

States who challenged the law but accepted funding from the Act would have to pay it all back to Uncle Sam.  What would those millions leaving the state coffers do to their already frail budgets?  Be careful what you wish for.  Many of these states may have to declare bankruptcy.  They shot themselves in the foot.

These are just a few issues that could backfire if the court rules against the Act.  And I wonder why the masses who voted for the Act are losing it to a one man ruling.  Justice Kennedy, who is a swing vote should both sides tie, would have the burden of forcing this nation to find a way to unwind a clock that is steeped in billions of dollars already spent.

Kennedy remember, is the Chief Justice that decided Super Pac's were constitutional, giving the Republican Party a leg up on funding political campaigns.  Even al Qaeda can contribute or buy a politician. 

1 comment:

Alex said...

A society has always been measured by how it takes care of the poor, the sick, and the elderly, not how much commerce they were able to generate.

A society has been measured by its ability to educate its citizens and to what extent they were exposed to Arts and Letters, not just to technological break-throughs.

A society is measured by its Quality of Life for all citizens, not just a few, always taking into consideration that all societies will have their wealthy and poor citizens as a by-product of the human condition.

A society is measured by not how well it protects itself from its enemies but how well it can negotiate with its enemies so that all peoples have a chance to enjoy LIFE.

Is our Supreme Court looking at the letter of the law, the spirit of the law, a current interpretation of the Constitution or an interpretation of the Constitution as our Founding Fathers wrote it and intended it to be?