

Predicting the Future

by Alex Hutchins

If you want to predict the future, stay away from those ideas that will never work or that cannot be done with our current technology like time travel or vacations on Mars; although, there is a super-sonic plane that is being developed that will travel from the US to England in under an hour.

U.S. builders - helped by the Nasa space agency - will reveal the prototype successors to Concorde at the Farnborough air show next month.  Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Gulfstream are leading the way to build the new supersonic passenger plane which will be targeted at first at the business jet market.

High Tech Wristwatch

In general, it’s much safer to predict things that will happen. If you’re right, you’ll look like a genius. Take Jules Verne, whose articles and stories described electric submarines, TV news, solar sails, “phonotelephote” (video calling), “atmospheric advertisements” (skywriting) and “electronic control devices” (tasers). 

Or Arthur C. Clarke’s “newspad” (iPad), Ray Bradbury’s “thimble radios” (earbuds), Isaac Asimov’s pocket calculators and George Orwell’s security cameras.

So the first rule of making tech predictions is this: make predictions about things that will come to pass, not about things that won’t.

The second rule is that history is going to repeat itself. Experience has shown, over and over again, that certain trends are virtually inviolable.
An Electric Bike

Rick Chin is the director of product innovation at SolidWorks, where he develops new products and researches how technology will make us smarter, simplify daily tasks and seamlessly fit into our everyday lives. To watch the video about 8 current technologies that will shape our future, click here…    

If you want to read about predictions already made for the future, visit here Future Timeline where the opening paragraph reads:

Welcome to the future! Here you will find a speculative timeline of future history. Part fact and part fiction, the timeline is based on detailed research that includes analysis of current trends, projected long-term environmental changes, advances in technology such as Moore's Law, future medical breakthroughs, and the evolving geopolitical landscape. Where possible, references have been provided to support the predictions. FutureTimeline.net is intended to be an ongoing, collaborative project that is open for discussion - we welcome ideas from scientists, futurists, inventors, writers and anyone else interested in the future of our world.

Here, you can browse by date or century up until 10,000 AD and beyond.

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It is literally amazing to imagine what the future holds in the way of technology to enhance our quality of life and enrich our journey to whatever awaits us afterwards.

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