
Don't Try... Do!

Those who can do, those who cannot teach...” circa 1977 Woody Allen (although critics say it was said before him).

This is one of my favorite quotes, even those I have been a teacher most of my 45 year career either directly or indirectly.

Added to that quote is the following: “Those that cannot teach, consult.” I have done that too...

I started off with this quote because it will ring true throughout my comments.

I have personally witnessed on a continual (daily) basic that WE (including myself) post “feel good” quotes and images to convince ourselves and others that life can be and should be positive; but, in so doing, we ignore the gruesome realities of the evil that is all around us.

Je Suis Charlie comes to mind first, then, ISIS, 9/11, al qaeda, US aggression in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, 7 Days war in Egypt, Boston Bombing, etc., not to mention all the hunger and starvation throughout the world, or the poverty, or the lack of education, the drugs consumed globally, we cannot forget human trafficking which is a $150 billion global venture.

Have we, as citizens or earth, turned our backs on all this human suffering... letting our respective countries wage war after war after war?

But, what can we do?

We are just pawns in the complex machinery and mechanisms of governments, politics, and business and have no real power at all.

Let me remind you about a group of ONLINE HACKERS recently who invaded Sony and other places of commerce before that stealing credit card information and personal data. These hackers invaded business and industry with guns or violence or getting anyone killed or injured for life.

Whether this action was sponsored and endorsed by a country is actually irrelevant because in this instance it shows what individuals and a little bit of creativity can do when united collectively.

And, I am not advocating REVOLUTION even though I like the lyrics of The Beatles song... bear in mind, I also like the lyrics of Imagine as well.

A few months ago, I was on Linkedin under a different name and a different profile and my profile was locked because I made a mistake in judgment. I made an appeal but have yet to receive a reply so I can only assume their decision was final. But, that is not the point. When I had that other profile, I had over 1800 connections and a network of over 20,000,000.

My friends... that is a lot of people who were located around the world.

Using that network of connections, news and information can travel almost instantaneously to any and all parts of the globe to spread the WORD or WORDS.

  • Collectively, we can DO SOMETHING positive in the world rather than watching it destroyed by jealous and greedy people.
  • Collectively, we can connect to politicians.
  • Collectively, we can connect to governments.
  • Collectively, we can connect to business men and women.
  • Collectively, we can connect to artists and musicians,
  • Collectively, we can connect with athletes.

I also realize that Global Warming is a huge issue as well that we seem to be ignoring but I think we need to end the violence and hunger first, don't you?

I grew up in the 1960's during the HIPPIE revolution in America and thought everyone over 30 was my enemy. I also stood up with my brothers because of injustice in America and double standards that we fundamentally knew were wrong.

We tried to change the system, but failed.

We have been given another chance and this time we have the Internet.

OR, we can go back to posting “feel good” stuff everyday and not rock the boat as they say. Boat rockers are typically not liked by society because we make people feel uncomfortable about the way they live and how they ignore all that is around them so that they can protect their little worlds of happiness and apathy.

So, if you get involved that will be your road ahead... but, remind yourself of what positive thinking can do to get things done about which you and others believe...

Everyone the world over will remember this journey.

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