
Moving Towards Perfection

Almost 30 years ago today, an Episcopalian Priest had visited several places in India and came back with the following concept that he shared with me. Our lives go through 4 stages of an awareness of sorts that he described in the following manner:

  • When we are born we are unconsciously perfect
  • During adolescence we realize we are unconsciously imperfect
  • During early adulthood we realize we are consciously imperfect
  • At the end of our lives we transition into unconscious perfection

Obviously, at least obvious to me, there could be an infinite levels of progression and/or digression within each stage or level of our development with this type of scenario. And, while we may see or perceive ourselves as imperfect that does not necessarily mean that we are.

However, if we were to compare ourselves to Jesus at each one of these stages there is absolutely no doubt or should be no doubt in our minds as to how we compare, but, is this the right comparison to make, even for Christians?

We are born (from the getgo) with all the trappings of Original Sin brought about by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden or so our Religious/Spiritual teachings tell us. ALL MYTHOLOGIES are predicated upon and have taken root in TRUTH; and, it would be relatively easy to conclude that the Garden of Eden mythology is no exception.

So, man is sinful from the beginning because of the misdeeds of another even though that first breath is the pure breath of innocence... a fact which cannot be denied. So, is it their innocence that puts them into this category of perfection?

While we are mentally wondering and debating inside ourselves about this innocent - baby – perfect concept, let me relate the 4 stages to a 4 sided pyramid, similar to one located on the plains of Gaza just outside of Cario, Egypt.
  • We have 4 stages and 4 sides
  • We have 4 sides and Birth-Life-Death-Infinity
  • We have 4 stages/sides and Man-God-Jesus-Holy Spirit

And, if you were draw out your imagination and creativity a little further, you could see that each face of the 4 sided pyramid is itself a 3 dimensional Pyramid with the edge directly across from the flat face constructed at a right angle and shared by the other 3 dimensional pyramids which are also 3 in number.

As each of the 3 dimensional pyramids slide into place in order to complete the 4 sided pyramid, they not only share the back angle and side in common but they share both of their sides as well. And, just as they are joined inextricably together, so too is man with the Holy Trinity and Infinity with the journey of man.

I would submit to you that the center line from the base to the pointed apex which is shared by all four 3 dimensional pyramid can and should be seen as the conduit of prayer that acts as glue holding it all together both spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Our journey through life is like building this 4 sided pyramid from the ground up and it really does not matter on which side that you start or whether or not you place that first stone in the center or at one of the outer edges; although, I am sure that some would argue that placement of that first stone is critical.

However, that first stone is our first breath of innocence and will not have the strength that it needs until the entire squared base floor has been completed.

Does this mean that I am suggesting some kind of alien presence with this pyramid idea as some kind of heavenly and universe guidepost and map for the development of mankind?

Absolutely not.

They symbol of the pyramid just seemed to fit and became a relevant image and analogy for my idea to give it some kind of balance and harmony that is automatically visually exhibited when viewing the pyramid.

However, by continuing with this pyramid structure, imagine yourself walking around the perimeter of the pyramid's base and after you have made one complete revolution, you realize that you have been on an incline and as you continue to go around that incline increases with each revolution. Someone, who is a teenage or in their 20's or 30's would be below the middle whereas someone who is in their 60's or 70's would be close to the top where all 4 side join to make a peak.

Therefore, as our life's journey unfolds, our pyramid is gradually constructed and we can always look back and see what we have done and perhaps realize why, but we can never look forward with accuracy although the closer we get to the top the close we can get to making some reasonably certain conclusions... hence, a movement towards perfection which was implied by the stages first shared by our Episcopal Priest.

Since we live in a 3 dimensional world, our journey has to be 3 dimensional and any image that we use to symbolize life's journey must be 3 dimensional as well.

However, we actually live in a 4 dimensional world or: height, width, depth, and time. We had not left time out at all as we just had not completely addressed it until now outside of the comment that we could look back in time but not forward. We never see what is above where we are until we get there and while that may seem amazingly simplistic, it is true... even second by second or millisecond by millisecond.... we can only see our future as it is unfolding.

Ok... this is all fine and good but how does it relate to these new ideas being generated by scientists that we might be living in a universe with multiple dimensions. And, what actually does that mean?

Well, as I understand the theory behind multiple dimensions... these dimensions are simply look-alike worlds to what we are experiencing where we are right now. In other words, if I am sitting on the couch, typing on a laptop, if one were to believe in multiple dimensions then they could be a similar me sitting in a different type of couch typing on something a little different. I cannot see this other person and this other person cannot see me because our energy is vibrating as different speeds and frequencies.

Whoa Nelly Whoa!!!! what does this mean?

Think of what I just said as someone blowing a basketball referee's whistle. Once this is done, everyone near by can hear it clearly. Now, let's suppose that this same person was blowing a dog whistle. The dog could hear it but you and I could not because of the speed and frequency of the sound. Now, suppose someone is blowing a device that was above the dog whistle... not even the dog could hear that one.

Simply replace sight with sound and that is why we cannot see these other dimensions.

So, if there were in fact other dimensions, nothing would change at all with my idea because each dimension would be experiencing building the pyramid a little differently than the other dimensions but they would be experiencing it as well as the passage of time.

Moving towards perfection is not life's goal per se nor is it life's purpose... it is just what we do and where life takes us.

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