
What They Want You To Know

Here's a look at 21 things hiring managers wish all job candidates knew — both to help them make the right hire more easily and to end some of the frustration and anxiety on job seekers' side of the hiring process.

1. We actually want you to be honest

I see too many job applicants who approach the interview as if their only goal is to win a job offer, losing sight of the fact that this can land them in the wrong job. Think of it like dating. This means being honest about your strengths and weaknesses and giving the hiring manager a glimpse of the real you, so he or she can make an informed decision about how well you'd do in the job.

2. We pay attention to the small stuff

Frequently, I see candidates act as if only "official" contacts — like interviews and formal writing samples — count during the hiring process. They'll send flawless cover letters and then check up on their applications with sloppily written emails with spelling errors. Or they'll be charming and polite to me but rude to an assistant. I pay attention to how quickly a candidate responds to requests for writing samples and references, and even how fast he or she returns phone calls.

3. We want you to ask questions

I encounter many candidates who don't have many — or even any — questions when I ask what I can answer for them. Your interviewer wants to know that you're interested in the details of the job, the department, your prospective supervisor's management style and the culture of the organization. Otherwise, you risk signaling that you're either not that interested or just haven't thought very much about it.     
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