by Alex Hutchins
Growing up in America is not as easy as
living in America once one is fully grown and fairly cognizant of
life around them, at least in the general vicinity of where they are
currently living, even though they may not be too aware of life
around them outside of where they are living as one is a matter of
survival and one is not.
And, those that grow up in urban areas,
I am told, have it worse (and, this is more than just a perception)
than those who grow up in rural areas, but, if the truth be known,
life in America is available in all locations, even though some may
seem or feel or be perceived as better than others.
Life lives inside us... we do not
live inside life, no matter how bad we want to live there, it just
does not work in any kind of reverse way. And, when we die, life no
longer lives inside us at least in any kind of conventional way... as
best we know these days... although, knowledge is changing and
becoming more aware of itself everyday.
America has recently, taken a direction
(good or bad) where being politically correct is the “order of the
day,” so as no to offend anyone's sensibilities with words... as,
using words in that manner, could in fact, lead to violence.
However, with what we have seen and
perhaps witness lately, being politically correct has no impact on
violence at all and may, in fact encourage it, because we are being
dishonest with ourselves and others by talking that way, especially
when we do not mean it.
And, therein lies our problem...
saying, what we do not mean or feel in such a way that people who
hear it think or perceive that we are being honest with them.
And, we all know that honesty is
overrated here in America.
And, some are better at it than others
in straddling the fence of honesty... and, unfortunately, this is
not a behavior just of politicians or of the wealthy and somewhat
well-to-do, but it is not commonplace in most of our urban as well in
most of our rural areas of this country.
Most people know that it is all
bullshit anyway, but tolerate it because it happens so often.
But, the really sad thing that is going
on within the minds of my fellow countrymen and women is the fact
that most of us believe that one day, we will have equality in all
areas of our society, simply because of the pleasing appeasing aspect
of our new personalities.
Nothing could be farther from the
There will be no:
- racial equality
- gender equality
- income equality
- age equality
- knowledge equality
here within the territorial boundaries
of the USA and those territories that operate under her protection.
According to the economics of our
country, it just cannot happen, even though it is still possible for
some to become more equal than others.
- Equality creates commonplace.
- Equality creates apathy
- Equality produces very little greed
Inequality creates the anger to push
ahead, striving for that which you will never achieve because of
either who you are or where you were born; and, while this may seem
to be a little cruel, it is nonetheless true.
For example, recent rhetoric says that
our government is going to have a war on:
- racism
- drugs
- pornography
- terrorism
- obesity
Well, this rhetoric was articulated in
the 1960's and again in the 1970's, some 50 years ago, and one would
think that after 50 years, there would have been some progress made,
but in reality, very little has been accomplished; in fact, there has
actually been very little change taking place in this country during
the last 50 years.
This fact, leaves one to conclude that
no progress was ever intended to be made... just a pleasing
appeasing attitude.
Do you not think, realize, and
understand that we have sufficient cooperation, knowledge and
determination among the people in this country that if we really
wanted to actually win any of those wars that we would have done so
And, the mere fact that none of these
wars have actually been won yet, means that we never really intended
to win any of these wars in the first place... that, all we intended
to do from the outset is be pleasing and appeasing.
America was FOOLED into thinking
So, how does that make you feel?
Now, these were not lies that our
leaders were telling us... not at all... these were things that
were real and meaningful, they just never had any intention of
accomplishing them once the government funding base came through and
they were line items on the accounting books.
In America, everyone always has a
Americans, because of their upbringing,
are so easily fooled... because they are easily led to believe
whatever it is that their parents and others want them to believe...
and, no one challenges anything anymore like they did when I was
growing up here in America. Our philosophy was just because an adult
said it does not mean it has to be believed nor that it is actually
truthful. Now, this may be a sad way to be raised, but it opened my
eyes a lot wider than the eyes of today's youth are opened.
The truth of and about America
has been and will always continue to be hidden in her lies...
But, don't get me wrong here, America is not the first country in the
world to act like this... unfortunately, this is the way that all
countries act and will continue to act until our world has been
destroyed by us hundreds of years into our future.
- Lies keep us safe
- Lies keep us safer than truth
- Birthrates dictate eventual control
- Vices keeps people averted from the truth
- The general public can only ever be appeased
- Democracy must be highly regulated and tightly controlled
- The general public needs to believe that they can acquire the carrot
- The masses can never be trusted to be anything more than self-interested
- The general public out number the leaders (but the military balances the scales)
- Knowledge leads to too much awareness and understanding of right, wrong, and truth
Why are these 10 points never taught or explained in our public
school system?
What do we not want the general public to really know about its
country and its leaders?
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