
China is second to US in size of economy

China is the world's fastest growing major economy, and perhaps the most dynamic. Since 1978, when the country announced its opening up and reform policy, and began experimenting with capitalism and market forces, the country's economy has boomed. While growth has begun to slow sharply in 2008, after growing at close to 12 percent in 2007, China is a rising global economic power.

In recent years, China has racked up a huge trade surplus with the rest of the world, particularly the United States and Europe, and has also accumulated over $1 trillion in foreign currency reserves.   

Manpower fit for military service:
males – age 16-49:  318, 265,016
females – age 16-49:  300, 323, 611 (2010 est.)

Manpower reaching military age annually:
males (same age)  10,406, 544
females (same age) 9, 131, 990 (2010 est.)

Chinese were growing rice around 5000 BC

Ice cream was invented in China around 2000 BC

Silk was being produced in China around 1300 BC

Paper was being manufactured in China in 105 A.D.

Gun powder was invented in China in 1000 A.D.

The magnetic compas was inventd in China in 1100 A.D.

Zai jian is Mandarin Chinese for "good bye."




Better learn your Mandarin and learn how to say "Hello".

你好 Ni Hao

Cause they are going to be here soon, running the show.

Count on it.

terry said...

Zai jian, amerikan economy! My dad always said one day we would hear the boots of the chinese army marching in our streets. They are already here, only marching silently as they systematically take over. Mandarin is being taught in our schools. I wonder why?