
Collective and Conscious Civil Disobediance

It is time to speak out.  What is going on in our Country?  More specifically, what is going on in our Nation’s Capital?  More directly, what is going on among our Congressmen and Senators as it relates to managing our finances?  I am appalled at our elected officials!  Apropos to my concerns are the beginning lyrics of the Buffalo Springfield (coinciding with my concerns) in their song, “For What It’s Worth:”

“There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop,

Everybody look what's going down
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong…” 

There is most definitely something happening here:  On July 25, 2011, President Obama reached out http://articles.cnn.com/2011-07-25/politics/obama.speech.transcript_1_tax-cuts-national-debt-debt-reduction-talks?_s=PM:POLITICS to the American citizens, asking them to voice their opinions to their elected officials; the rebuttal  from Congressman Boehner http://dailycaller.com/2011/07/25/speaker-boehners-response-to-obamas-debt-ceiling-speech-full-text/  pretty much just pointed the finger back at the President.  What I find sadly and depressingly interesting is how the media took both speeches and presented a dueling banjo approach, http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/07/25/obamas_address_vs_boehners_response.html 

But what really pisses me off and should you too is how our “millionaire politicians” are “dicking-around” with our future.  It boils down to the simple truth that our nation has reached an economic plateau of the “haves” and the “have nots;” where the media spin disjointed metaphors about the truth while our Government send those (who don’t have political connections) off to a war in a country that hates us; and we, as a nation of conspicuous consumption buyers, continue to give the Arab world most of our discretionary income for gasoline.  I “reckon”  P. T. Barnum, said it best, “there is a fool born every minute.”  Our “tea party” extravaganzas drew crowds and attention but precious little else; probably because most of us are coffee drinkers.  My Mother (who celebrates her 91st birthday soon) had a saying that is appropriate here, “Nero fiddled while Rome burned.”  Personally, I feel impotently helpless to do anything my or our financial predicament, but realize the rest of us will “pay the price” (like always) for what is not happening in Washington.

There is a strong disconnect between those who govern and those who are being governed; and, those who govern have no idea what it is like to be governed.  At the end of the day, our elected officials return to their “million-dollar lives,” while the rest of us return to our “keeping our heads above water lives.”Are you as fed-up with Washington as I am?  Are you tired of eating “low on the hog” while they eat “high on the hog?”  Collective and Conscious Civil Disobedience (CCCD) is a statement of  what me and my fellow “baby boomers” found in the 60’s but lost sight of over the last 50 years.  It is time to bring that back!  United, we are not standing these days; rather, we seem to be apathetically sitting around which allows our greedy businessmen and elected officials to do damn well whatever they please.  For example, on the radio show, The Savage Nation, Dr. Savage pointed out that Obama’s job czar, Immelt,  is moving GE X-ray division to China, http://articles.boston.com/2011-07-26/business/29817324_1_ge-healthcare-x-ray-business-, china-last-year, and will be investing $2 billion there, instead of this country where we are economically depressed.  Regardless of what you may think of this man’s opinion or those of any other person (for that matter), we should not sit idly by as more and more jobs leave this country!

CCCD  (that's me...  Collective and Conscious Civill Disobediance) wants the baby boomers to reunite and put an end to this travesty of American Business and Politics.  We have the numbers.  We have the votes. We have purchasing power and the ability to boycott.  The name of our greedy business game in this country is not to win or lose but to be able to continue to play the game.  Their ability to wield power, comes from US, the people!

We have gone to war for our country.  We have gone to work for our country and paid her taxes in good faith.  Now it is time for us to save our country.  Since we cannot impeach all of them simultaneously, let’s send another message to me, one that they will have to live with like a scarlet A.  Let’s start a grassroots campaign to INSIST that they have to live like WE do.  Here are some ideas:

1.       No fully paid Cadillac healthcare. (They have no premiums, no co-pays, no deductibles. They don't go bankrupt if they need chemo. We do! So let them go shopping for their own policies!)

2.       No free haircuts.

3.       Shut down the free fitness center.

4.       No free franking. (They pay no postage on anything. We pay for that.)

5.       Any cuts in Social Security and Medicare should be accompanied by equal cuts in Congressional salaries and pension plans. Why are they immune to all fiscal cutbacks? Why do none of them (which they vote for) ever affect THEM???

6.       I realize the impact on this billionaire boys' club would be minimal. But our message would be huge: You are no longer an elite, privileged ruling class. We don't work for YOU.  YOU work for US.  Start behaving as if you knew that.

7.       Anyone found guilty of abusing power, whether it's making passes at underage interns, or taking bribes, or using campaign funds to support a secret mistress, automatically forfeits all perks, including that lifelong pension.

P.S. - I am a Vietnam Era Veteran and 60’s survivor, been paying my fair share of  Federal Income Taxes all my life, eligible for Social Security (but, still working),  a heart attack and cancer survivor, and currently living within the limits of the combined income of my wife and I.  A Democrat I was raised and am still currently but do not believe in a large Federal Government; however, a society, in my opinion, is measured by how they take care of their citizens.  I value honesty and personal integrity above all else and did not take for granted the story my mother told me about George Washington and the Cherry tree.  This is not to say that I do everything perfect; no, I admit my mistakes and move on even when it costs me my job; so, I do not have a “holier than thou” attitude.


terry said...

What you are asking for isnt going to happen in our lifetime. Why? Because WE have allowed our country to be hijacked. Our lack of attention, our hesitance to speak out, for all these many years, have given those that would see us toil in poverty, the power over us. No election, no bargaining, no conceding, no caving in, is going to get us our country back

Unknown said...

On this point, I would have to disagree. I believe that a grassroots effort can be started to empeach these idiots. And, if it cannot be done, at least some of us can say, we tried.

terry said...

Where was the grassroots effort in the last administration? You forget, the gen X and Y'ers, those whose voice we should be relying on here, for it is their larger future at stake, have been dumbed down by years of drugs for their various "conditions" most of which were diagnosed by BIG PHARMA and sold to our medical professionals. These same kids were also taught not to speak out, not to question, not to make a fuss. Put that all together and you have two generations of Amerikans who really dont care!

Alex Hutchins said...

There is some merit to what you say, agreed. But, we could give them a free download of a song if they participated or 10% on their next burger and fries.

terry said...

:-) Afraid interventions would be necessary to get the kids off their ADD meds!

Alex said...

approval rating for Congress and Senate is at an all time low - so many there is enough interest out there.