

It has been raining outside my window all day today and this is where I would rather be, with either a vodka/tonic or a Stella beer from Egypt.  Corona would also be fine but I do not have any limes.


terry said...

Barring the inability to obtain Stella here in this country, I would highly recommend Long Hammer IPA :-) No limes necessary as with Mexican beer!

Unknown said...

I always put limes in my Mexican beer.

terry said...

BUT of COURSE! However, I was saying, Long Hammer has no need for limes :-)

Alex Hutchins said...

The name sounds like it would not be a good beer...

terry said...

Ahhhhhhhh but therein lies another rub. IF you like hoppy beer, really hoppy beer, you would LOVE long hammer. Brewed of course by Red Hook!