
Vietnam Veterans Art Group - Chicago, ILL

From 1977 until 1985, I was employed at the Alamance Country Arts Council, Graham, NC as their Executive Director.  One of my most memorable activities  was arranging for the Vietnam Veterans Art Group from Chicago to visit our county with an exhibit.  This took months of preparation and involved numerous people and organzations.  For instance, SECCA in Winston Salem donated all the display boards on which we hung or displayed the art.  The National Guard Armory allowed us to use their facility for a month, rent free!  Burlington Industries provided free truck transportation of the exhibit from Texas and also agree to take the exhibit to Washington, DC for his next exhibit.  A local car dealership (who I cannot remember) donated free use of cars for the visiting Vietnam artists and a local motel agree to let all visiting Vietnam artist stay for free.  The owner of a Greek restaurant, also a Vietnam Veteran, provided free meals and drinks.
         Going Home Early by Joe Fornelli is one of the artists that provided artwork for the exhibit and an individual with whom I became friends.  This watercolor was completed in the field using coffee grounds and river water.
Dressed to Kill, also by Fornelli is a erie when seen up close - the shells used were those he saved from a fire fight.

visit:  http://www.nvam.org/ to view more