
A Global Publishing Idea...

Not too long ago (at least as far as my age is concerned) I had the idea of recreating the Pythian Games which was established at Delphi, Greece in honor of Apollo slaying the dragon.  The Pythian Games included various art competitions revolving around:  music, dance, drama, and pottery.  My research was conducted in the late 70’s and we did not have access to the volumes of information that exists on the Internet; but, using a computer program called ERIC, I discovered that the Pythian Games predated the Athletic Olympics and actually later also incorporated athletics into their competitions.  Over time obviously, the Olympics over-shadowed the Pythian Games until they were no longer observed.

I presented this re-creating the Pythian Games to my Board of Directors of the non-profit for which I was working, but the idea was rejected saying it would cost too much money.  I presented the idea again, the following month along with a new idea as to how we could raise the money.  This idea was to start cultural exchange shows between our Arts Council and the OPEC countries, going through their Embassies in Washington, DC.  Once the cultural exchange shows were underway, we could present our Pythian Games idea to them for funding with the understanding that we would name one of the competitions after each of their respective countries.  Again, my idea was rejected, and I was informed by one of the Directors that my actions were now being seen as those coming from a “loose cannon.”
I then realized that these Board members were “big fish in little ponds and did not want to become little fish in big ponds,” which also served as a source of inspiration and motivation throughout my career; which, caused me to frequently change my place of employment.

Ever since 1972 (and earlier but not on a consistent basis), I have been writing daily.  It first started out with writing poems and then I added a daily journal and then I added writing short stories then manuscripts for novels.  I woke up at 5am each morning just so I could write for an hour.  Ever since 1972, I toyed with the idea of publishing but heard horror stories about the journey and also feared rejection.  However, I saw and read the novels of celebrities and politicians and those who committed crimes that now wanted to share their journey.  Again, fear of rejection made room for me for pause.  I soon learned that Writing Agents needed to be acquired, acting as gate-keepers for the publishing houses.

So…  I concocted a couple of years ago, the idea of creating a Global Publishing Webpage where writers from all over the world, from all walks of life, from all faiths and beliefs, could publish their writing for FREE.  I had made the assumption that there were writers like me from every country in the world, who needed a chance, like me, to share their writing with other writers.

And, while this may be a tad bolder than my idea of recreating the Pythian Games, I believe that using the Internet, free publishing is DOABLE and like the Nike commercial says, “Just Do It!”


m3site said...

Don't abandon the Games! What a Reality Show they would make.

Unknown said...

Don't want to step on the toes of American Idol.