
I would love to change the world

I remember exactly where I was the morning of 9-11-01 as most of you no doubt remember as well.  I was walking into the employees break room of the place where I was working, and immediately noticed several people standing around watching the big screen television and when I looked at the plasma screen, I saw a plane fly into a building and immediately assumed those employees were watching a movie.

Now, it is 10 years later and as the musical group, Ten Years After says in their song, I’d love to change the world,  “but I don’t know how…”  play video below to hear the song.

Some of us want to forgive and forget while others of us never want to forget – I mean there were over 3000 people killed that day – people who worked in the Twin Towers and those rescue workers who tried to save them.  And, even though Osama bin Laden is dead, the wounds his plan inflicted remain in our hearts and souls just as strongly as terrorism remains and is ever present in today’s world, ten years later.

I spoke with a conservative today who told me that he does not care about either political party nor does he care about the various candidates who are running for the Presidency in general; all he cares about is that specific candidate who is running on a platform of sound fiscal policy who also will let him keep his firearms.

All I can say is...  what is going on in today’s world would make for an excellent reality show, if it were not actually happening.


terry said...

Keep his firearms. BRILLIANT! BTW one first responder dog was also killed, his name was Sirius.


Most people who vote are "one issue" people. The issue is usually involves guns or Bibles. Palin for one knows this, and that is what she has written on her hand. Like putting in a plug for a sponsor....got to get it in there.