
Isn't this interesting?

Estimated Price Breakdown Per Gallon of Gasoline

As of September 5, 2011
Distribution Costs, Marketing Costs and Profits
Crude Oils Costs
Refinery Costs and Profits          
State Underground Storage Tank Fee
State and Local Sales Tax
State Excise Tax
Federal Excise Tax
Retail Price

I realize the data is coming from California, but why is there so much difference in Distribution Costs between branded and unbranded gasoline? 

The difference in Refinery Costs does not make that much sense either. 

Do all States have a Storage Tank Fee?

Are crude oil prices based upon the current highest price of crude oil or some weighted average of crude oil purchased from a variety of sources?

I guess this is nothing really THAT important, but we were just wondering?

1 comment:

terry said...

I'm just wondering how Michelle Bachman plans to bring down the price of gas to $2. Wouldnt you think that kind of information would be worth sharing? BTW love the song that is still playing while I comment further