
Potty Ponderings

àI have a secret

I am a male WASP unable to live off of my social security allowance, well educated with a Masters and over 40 years of Business experience, but unable to find a job other than smiling for minimum wage, and am currently working at…

Who am I?

a.       The personal aid of a millionaire politician?

b.       A personal fitness trainer?

c.        A waiter at Ryans?

d.       A migrant farm worker’s supervisor?

e.        A prison guard’s assistant?

f.        A Walmart greeter?

Take your time when pondering the answer…

à Freedom of Speech

1.       Do we really have this?

2.       Are people really free to speak their minds?

3.       And, if they do speak their minds, will they get fired, if working?

Pondering questions for your consideration…

à Our Government in action, is an example of:

·         Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves?

·         Robin Hood and his band of merry men?

·         Members of the Mafia when young?

·         Our Gang?

·         Romper Room?

·         The Bowery Boys?

This is not a multiple answer pondering…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to know you were squeezing something out of both ends.