

Not What I Would Call a Landslide
By Victor M Adamus

For a guy who couldn’t keep his hands off the ladies, Herman Cain literally helped the Man with the Money, win the Iowa caucus by 8 votes.  After women threw Cain under the bus, there was no 9-9-9 to rally behind and things tightened up on the campaign trail giving a boost to everyone including Mittens who ended up with the trophy.  It’s a sad comment on America when a guy who loves ladies gets pounded for doing nothing wrong but chasing candy.

But enough about the only person who stimulated a rather dull six months of campaign gibberish.  Romney had a pittance invested in this rivalry, nearly $3.5 Million for attack ads against Newt Gingrich so one could say those 8 votes cost him $430,000 each.  Was it worth it?  Well for those of you who think Mittens can beat Obama in the General Election I suppose it was a good investment.  But the middle of the electorate doesn’t agree. 

Mittens has a history of being a Buy Out King with Bane Capitol and those hedge fund operators who buy out companies, fire the employees, then hire them back at half pay with no benefits is the big reason Romney lost to Ted Kennedy in his bid for the Senate in Massachusetts.  Add to the fact he is a Mormon and you do not have the mix that makes for a victory in November for the Presidential Election especially against Barack Obama who is doing as good a job as President as anyone could compared to the long list of Republican hopefuls.

Top three candidates now moving to New Hampshire:  Romney who hates the middle class and loves the tricksters on Wall Street; Rick Santorum whose luggage includes being thrown out of the Senate by voters in Pistolvania; and Ron Paul who wishes for America total isolationism including rolling back the 1964 Civil Rights Act. 

Which one would you vote for?

A wise man or woman, if there was one, would hand the torch to Mittens and be done with all these stupid caucuses.  Get it done, once and for all.  Instead, hopefuls will march through five more states to split hairs on how to attack Iran and when.  Some will say without inspectors mirroring the biggest failure in Presidential history; others will say “get those B2’s ready to roll"; and still, maybe one, will say we can’t afford another war.

Not much of a choice going forward.  But alas, this is A-Merry-can politics.  And with the close vote in Iowa only one person, Rick Perry, will be smart enough to hang up his guns and go home.  Although as I write this, Michele Bachman has suspended her campaign. 

1 comment:

Alex said...

Methinks you are giving "dese" guys and gals too much credit for having any kind of plan at all. Of the 3 remaining hopefuls, Romney is the only one that physically "looks" presidential is Romney but does not have enough religious followers to elect him over Obama. Ron Paul, who is making his 3rd attempt is like those chefs who return to Cupcakes Wars after losing twice and never learn that the judges simply do not like their cupcakes. Although, Paul's idea of not fighting wars and not provide aid to other countries is attractive, especially when we have so much in this country that we need to fix.

Still cupcakes have always been too sweet for my taste unless they are full of bran which is about all I see in these candidates anymore.