Am I a Racist?
by Alex Hutchins
A metaphorical (dream like) preface,
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
All those having business before this council, step forward and be known . . .
An alarming realization just recently pushed its way into my consciousness that had been lingering far too long in the belly of my mind’s imagination that reality was more than just putting a statement of belief on paper. How annoying it is when one finds out that reality must be experienced not just written on paper as a testimony to behavior and actions.

I went to high school overseas and did not experience racism until moving back to America after graduation and even though I dated many “women of color” in high school and even though I dated many African Americans after graduating from College, I was still utterly amazed when this country had to impose quotas in order to ensure minority employment.

Almost 2 years later, I am kicked in the mind by the realization that my liberal beliefs are not as strong as I thought they were. Let me explain.
Recently, when I was mowing the grass, a neighbor approached me from the street with a piece of paper on which was typed, a brief statement that the City was planning on selling some land (50-100 yard below our home), to Habitat for Humanity and were going to give them permission to build 15 homes on this parcel of land. Any concerned citizen and resident of the City could attend the council meeting and be heard.
My first thought was safety for my wife and I because those home typically went to uneducated, low income families that were also the ones who typically perpetrated crimes on the elderly. My second thought was that this will lower property values and my third thought was that my first two thoughts were racist.
Simply put, I do not know what to think about myself anymore; but, I can tell you this, I did not attend the City Council meeting.
Not sure if this is racist. People are mightily concerned about their home values. If you live in a subdivision where the square footage is more and on more acreage and a Habitat is built nearby or below, it could impact negatively on your home value, equity and normally a local city council will take that into consideration. Usually they are found on less popular lots and built one at a time. Those Habitat homes look better than most in certain areas where undeveloped land can be used to help people.
Yes, and that you for the reassurance but my thoughts were not directed at first towards home values but towards the type of people who would be moving into those homes.
I will either die in my current home or in a hospital bed leaving my wife to do what she wants with our home.
She may opt to sell but odds are she, like me, will remain. Her unmarried son might move in with her or other family members - who knows...
My liberal attitude and beliefs were there until it became personal. And, if I was this way, I wonder how many others are this way as well, but hide behind home values to conceal their true feelings.
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