

Birtherism is for the Ignorant
By Victor M Adamus

I still can’t figure out Mitt Romney’s strategists.  People around him who are suppose to cover his back and make sure he is set up to take on a moderate tone for getting the independent vote which we all know is what pulls the winner over the line in a Presidential Election.  No.  Mitt’s strategist won’t let go of Donald Trump and his birther movement even though the people who believe these lies are of low intelligent, largely white supremacists, and living in the 19th Century with 19th Century ideas.  Crackpots, all of them.  And to celebrate Romney reaching the magic number which puts him over the top for his party’s nomination, he hangs out with Trump and the crackpot crowd in Las Vegas rather than having an historic moment in Texas, the state that handed him the nomination.

In PR we call it trying desperately to hang onto your base.  If that is true, then Romney has accepted the fact that the fringe group of white racists is the Republican base.  Even at risking the opinion of 75% of Americans, both Republican and Democrat, who see these birthers as fools, he would rather be with them than voters who have an IQ.  It makes Romney look like his entire audience going forward is made up of morons.  This could be the reason he loses the election and ends up blaming it on the media.

But what is the media suppose to do when Donald Trump, that “bloviating ignoramus,” has taken away your stage?  When the guy runs a fund raiser like a circus barker?  It must have been embarrassing for the silver spoon guy who never associates with anyone who makes less than a million dollars a year.  Now he is forced to embrace white people who use the President’s birth to hide their racism.  White supremacists have never wanted a black person in the White House. 

Poor strategy for sure.  How is Romney going to distance himself from this toxic, totally unpopular, idiotic conspiracy theorists if he has any chance at all to win the election?  Well he started with passing out a fake birth certificate of himself at the rally.  Wanting his white racists friends to know he was born in America.  Of course the fonts used on the certificate had not been invented yet in 1947.  And his middle name is not Mitt, it’s Milton, but it may have also been passed around as a joke.  Is Mitt Romney a joke?  The birth certificate says his father was born in Mexico.  Now isn’t that convenient?  It suggests to many that Mitt might have a little Hispanic blood in his veins.  But that would make for another story.

No, his strategists, same ones who worked for George Bush, blew it.  They will be in the recovery mode all summer and Romney will have to disavow, on stage when he gives his acceptance speech, that there’s no room in the party for racism . . . wink, wink. 

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