

Where Have We Heard That Before?
By Victor M Adamus

So yesterday a trailer on CNN says Fox News has learned that before the mass murder in Aurora, Colorado the killer, James Holmes, mailed a package to a professor at the University where he was attending grad school speculating it could contain a disclosure of his plan to kill people at a local theater.  Even though the FBI did, in fact, pick up a package they had no comment and the University had no comment.  It was a mystery that suggested this person, who could have received the package, would have learned before the murders and mayhem that a student had plans to open fire at a local movie theater and prevented it.  It even caught the attention of Diane Sawyers on the nightly news which added some validity to the report.  ABC got sucked into the vacuum.

The story Fox put forth was that a student who worked in the mailroom said there was a package addressed to a professor with a return address from James Holmes.  Then speculation that if the professor had received the package the shootings could have been avoided.  Like Holmes was crying out for help or responding to a nervous breakdown.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Holmes with Attorney at first court hearing.

This morning we learn from Fox News:

They said Wednesday the package, reportedly containing a notebook “full of details about how he was going to kill people,” was delivered to the campus Monday, July 23.

Reports say the notebook was sent to a psychiatrist.
Fuzzy reporting at its’ worst.  One day a professor could have saved 12 lives; next day he couldn’t.  Fact is the notebook in the package was useless information since it was delivered after the mass murders.  And the mailroom clerk who Fox News said told them it had been sitting there for “a couple of weeks” generated speculation that the local officials could have jumped in and stopped the shootings.  Now we learn that wasn’t even a possibility.  The arrival date was after the killings.  The package was delivered to campus the Monday after the Thursday night massacre.

Fox News, the propaganda arm for the Republican Party, should stick to twisting stories about favorite politicians and get out of the real news business.  They’ve misled TV viewers before and this is just another example.  I think they are an organization that just push crap down the news line regardless of whether the facts are confirmed or not.  Real tabloid news.  But this example is one that also serves notice to the public at large.  The desperate need for more news surrounding a tragedy is just another way of a Fox News to incite the masses with their false journalism.

Sadly, I know people who say they only watch Fox News.

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