

More Tricks by Republicans

by Alex Hutchins

I am neither a conservative nor am I a liberal; I am however, a conservative liberal, especially the older I become.  I am very much concerned that the Democrats was to turn this into a “Socialistic” type of government b y making more and more services available to the “average” and “poor” Americans; and, I am very much concerned that the Republicans want to destroy the “middle-class” and pass laws that favor large corporations and the very wealthy Americans. 

When Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations, he described a free-market enterprise system that is still in existence today; and, Keynesian Economics was envisioned and created to protect the public against “greedy” businessmen; unfortunately, neither of those “concepts” protected us against the “greedy” businessmen and corporations that served-up a financial debacle to all Americans in 2008 from which we are still reeling and many Americans (actually millions) are still employed.

This situation reminds me of the Watergate scandal and the “dirty tricks” strategy that the Republicans employed a few years ago; in fact, it would not surprise me in the least that our “not hiring” corporations (many of which are managed by wealthy Republicans) are doing so “intentionally” to undermine the efforts of the Democratic administration.  I cannot imagine a more hideous “dirty trick” than this perpetuated on Americans and quite frankly (even though there is no real proof) would not put it past these “sly” Republicans. 

It also makes me wonder about all the money (on both sides) that is being “dumped” into Super PACS to pay for “less than positive” television ads and commercials.  Americans continue to “hurt” economically while these “wealthy” Americans blow-off their spending of money like many Americans blow-off money spent on summer vacations and holidays.  One of these days, Americans will realize that it is not Democrats versus Republicans but more realistically the “wealthy” against the “poor.”

But, the latest trick is this “required by law” approach with releasing tax returns, indicating that they are doing exactly what the law requires and nothing more which is fine because that’s the law; yet, I truly wonder if that is what they will do, if Republicans win the Presidential race:  only that which is required by law and nothing more? 

I will supply only that information
that is required by law!
And, how will Americans be impacted by that strategy?  How will the elderly be impacted, as well as Medicare and Social Security?  And, isn’t it curious how our elected officials in the US Congress and Senate have their own healthcare and retirement packages separate from those that are made available to the rest of us . . .

It is for this reason (and others) that I typically sit down on the Democratic side of the fence as the Democrats’ programs stress taking care of all Americans, especially the elderly and the poor whereas the Republicans’ programs stress taking care of the wealthy, businesses, and corporations. 

And, while some of these Republicans have compassion, empathy, and understanding, their “real focus” is protecting their bottom-line and increasing their overall wealth every year. 

Consider the following when

you cast your vote in the next

Presidential election:

1.  It is this “greedy” need for MORE

and MORE and MORE that is the


2.  It is the need of MORE that justifies

and rationalizes the NEED to gain the

edge over the Democrats.

3.  It is this NEED that motivates

Republicans to use “dirty tricks.”

When will it ever end?

We need more than just lyrics...

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