

Sends Body Parts to Politicians
By Victor M Adamus

Magnotta: Police Photo
A gay lovers betrayal ended up in murder with the murderer sending the body parts of one Jun Lin to political parties in Canada.  This is the type of murder that doesn’t happen every day.  He then boarded a plane to France with the idea of losing his identity over a six month period.  He lasted two weeks.  This is a truly grisly story.  He was apprehended in Berlin.

Luka Rocco Magnotta, a porn film star 29, had discovered his lover had another male lover and decided death was the only way to deal with his rejection.  A psycho for sure, investigators digging into his past believe he got most of his information on killing from a serial killer he also dated for a time, also in Canada.  Why this is important is because it clocks in as one of the most unusual cannibalistic killings in decades.  He’s the same person who posted a video online as to how to suffocate, kill, kittens.  Now if  that hadn’t tipped someone off as to this guy’s mental disorder consider the fact that on two other blogs he posted his murder of Lin complete with cutting up the body parts.  Canadian police believe the videos to be authentic.

Why this is worthy of a mention on this blog is the simple fact that I remembered a book I read in college, many years ago, which stated a theory that the beast chromosome shows up periodically in modern man ever since history had recorded humans building civilizations. Now I wonder if the author is still alive and I wonder, if he is, what he thinks about the  gene showing up again in our modern world, this time in Canada.  Not that the country has anything to do with it but the thought this gene is explosive and somehow gets into the human body every decade or so is rather scary.  I know movies have been made of serial killers with the same trait, usually pleading insanity in court which is widely believable when a psycho goes off and acts like a cave man.  But you would wish or wonder yourself why science hasn’t been able to test kids, early on, for that gene that depicts weird thoughts or behaviors that can be handled in a child’s early stages of development.

Somebody missed this guy as he fell through the cracks during early life and his true violent behavior struck out at a person he loved, not just killing his victim, but broadcasting the event by sending the body parts to select political parties in Ottawa. 

It may make for an interesting murder mystery to some but it’s clear science has a long way to go to detect early on the gene that causes this behavior and find a way to suppress it.

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